CategoriesFormatsProminent wordsCalendarsVenues Gig Photos Interviews Amplifier Interviews Breakfast Interviews Caffeine & Aspirin Interviews Playlists Across the Board Americana Amplifier Behaving Strangely Breakfast Caffeine and Aspirin Deep Global Pulse Late Late Breakfast Music without Subtitles NZ Music Show - Playlists Soul Affair The Floor The Friday Flow The Indie Show The Jazz Show The Monday Flow The Thursday Flow The Top 11 - Playlists The Wednesday Flow Thursday Drive Tuesday Drive Wednesday Drive Zero Hour Promote Uncategorized Gallery Video *^ 11 11am-12pm 11pm 12 12pm-1pm 13 15 1994 20 2005 2016 2016 remastered 2018 2019 2020 23 27th 28 2pm 30 88.6fm 9-11pm @ princes @ princes st @ princes stage @ the rotunda @ the rotunda stage aaradhna abuse acid active active live activity activity guide adam adelaide adelaide cara affair africa african aggelein ai aimee air al album alex alicia alphabethead amamelia amazing ambient americana americana show amerigo amerigo gazaway andrew anger anger management anna aotearoa app appeal april aroha arrow art artist artists arts ash aspirin association audio b boys baby badbadnotgood bailey bailey wiley baker baker nz bam band bang bang bang bar barry bass bay beach beastwars beat beatles beep behaving behaving strangely believe belle bill billy bird biza black blam blam blam blind blonde blue blues board boards of canada bob body bon bones boogaloo boogie book books boom borrowed borrowed cs borrowed cs nz boss bowen bowen galleries bowie bowling club box boy boygenius boys brainstorm break breakfast breakfast show brian brian eno briana briana jamieson bright bring broadcast broken brother brothers brought brown brubeck brubeck quartet bump burlesque bus butler bye caffeine caffeine aspirin call candy cara carb cari cash casino cat catch cha change chaos charles charlotte chats chats @ princes chats @ princes stage chelsea chicks children chills chinese sports chinese sports cultural chinese sports cultural centre chk chk chk chocolate choir choo chris christchurch christmas church cian cindy city city gallery clap clark clash classic clean cleaning closer cloud club club nz coast coda coffee coffee supreme cohen cold collection collective collective nz comedy comet community computer conchords cook cool cosmic cou council country crash creative creme creme jean crowd @ crowd @ rotunda crowd @ rotunda stage crush cry cry cry cs cs nz cuba cuba dupa cullen cultural centre culture cut da da da daddy daily dan dance dance ensemble dancing darling dartz dartz nz dave dave brubeck dave brubeck quartet david david bowie dawn dazz dcm de de la dead deaf death deep demo der design devil dick die dirty disco dj django djs dog don don luchito door dor dos double dream dreams drive drop drop nz drums dub dukku dum dupa duran dynamite earth east ebony echo echo nz ed edit edition el electric ellis emily end enemy energy ennio ennio morricone eno ensemble entry enz ep eric es eva event events exciters exhibition extended extinct eye eyes face facebook fake fall family fan fanfickk fat fat freddy's drop fat freddy's drop nz favourite feat featuring feel feeling fest festival film film festival films filthy find finn fire flava flight flight of the conchords floating floating points floor flora flow fly flying fm food forest foster foundation fountain fran frank fraser fred freddy's drop freddy's drop nz free french french for rabbits fresh friday friday breakfast friday night friends fringe ft fun fun fun funk funky future galleries gallery game garden gazaway geoff george ghetto gho$t ghost ghosts giant gig girl girls glass global global pulse god gold golden gonna goodbye gotta grant grave greatest green greg groove group groups guide guitar gut haapu half hall hammer hand hands hans happy harry hate head headless chickens health heart heaven heavy hell hello henry hex hex nz hey hi hiatus hiatus kaiyote hill hirini hirini melbourne hold home honey hoo hop hopkins horses hot house house music household housing housing project huata huia human hummucide hunter hybrid hybrid rose iconic ignite imugi inception incredible indie indie show ingrid ingrid and the ministers international interview interviews island iv jack jackie jacklin jackson jaguar jah jam james james brown jamieson jane jason jazz jazz festival jazz show jean jen jen kyle jensen jessb jesus jet jet jaguar jewel jewel school jimi jimmy jinz joe john johnny johnny cash johnson join joined jon jones joni joni mitchell josephine josh journey joy judah julia julia jacklin juluka july jungle justin ka kaibosh kaiit kaiit @ the rotunda kaiit @ the rotunda stage kaiyote kan karl kate kedron kevin kevin morby key keys kidney kids king kingi kirsten kirsten te kirsten te rito kiss know ko kōrero kraftwerk kris kris kristofferson kristofferson kyle la la la ladi6 ladi6 nz lady lake lamb late late breakfast late breakfast show late late late late breakfast late late breakfast show laura lauren lava law lazarus le lee legal leonard lewis liam liam k life light lil lines liquid live live music live to air local lola loneliness lonely look lord lord echo lord echo nz los lost louis louis baker louisa love loved lp luchito luciano lucky lunar lung lyrics machine macho macho macho mad maggie magic mai mali mama man management manzanza mara mara tk marauders mark martin mary masego massive matariki matt mau max max richter meets melbourne mermaidens mermaidens nz metal mi michael midnight midnight marauders midnight oil miers mighty mike miles milk milly mind mini ministers mint mint chicks mirror mitchell mix mo mo nz moana mode modern moe and ghosts moment monday money moon moon 1 morby morning morricone motte mountain move music music show mynn mynn nz n roll nada nadia name nathan micay nation national naughty neil neilson nelson new tunes new zealand new zealand music news newtown newtown festival newtown rocksteady with israel newtown rocksteady with israel starr ngā nick night night jam noah noah slee north nova november nz nz black nz love nz music nz south nz te nz various oats oats nz ocean october oil oliver ono open optimo orb orchestra orchestra of spheres ordinary original orlęta polish orlęta polish dance orlęta polish dance ensemble ost pablo paddy paddy fred page panic party paul pedigree pedigree nz peggy people performance performing pete peter phoenix phoenix foundation photo pierre pink place places planet play pleasure poets point points polish dance polish dance ensemble pop pop ambient power pressure pretty primal primal scream prince problem producer programme project public public enemy pulse purple quartet queen quest ra rabbits radio radio active radio edit radioactive rain raiza raiza biza ras ras judah rat raw raw collective raw collective nz ray re ready reason reb reb fountain recharted record red reed rei reid reid nz release released remastered remember remix reuben revulva rework rhombus rhythm ria ria hall ria hall nz richard riddiford ride right rights ring ring ring rito ritual river rmx road robbie robbie ellis robert robinson rock rock n rock n roll rocksteady with israel starr roger rollerdisco rollerdisco dj room roots roots and culture roots nz rosa rosa nz rose ross rotunda rotunda stage roy run run run ryuichi ryuichi sakamoto saints sakamoto salmonella salmonella dub sam sam cullen samba san san fran sat saturday saw scene scholar school science scott scream sea secret see seen send september service services session set seth seth haapu sexual sexual violence sexy shadow sheeps shimmy show shows sick sick and tired side single singles sister sky slee sleep slow smith snake sneaky soaked soaked oats soaked oats nz society soda soft sola sola rosa sola rosa nz solo song sophie soul sound sounds south south stage space spectre spectre collective speed spheres spirit spirits split split enz sports cultural sports cultural centre srn st stage stand stanley stanley pedigree stanley pedigree nz star state station steel step stereo steve stevie stevie wonder stone stop strange strangely stranger street stu stuck student studio sugar suite summer sun sun nz sunday sunrise sunshine support supreme surf survey sweet swiggs symmetry system systems talk tami tami neilson tap tape tapes taste te te rito team terje theatre thom thom yorke thomas thompson thursday time tired tk todd todd terje together tom tongue toni toni huata total tour town track train tribe trio troy troy kingi true truth tu tuesday tuesday flow tune tunes turning twinkle underground underground house union jack unknown upcoming upper hutt posse va va pop va pop ambient valium valium aggelein vanessa various vasili vasili nz vault version video vince vintage vinyl violence vip vol vs wai walk wallace wanted war warm water wave wax webster webster nz wednesday wednesday night wednesday night jam weekend weekly wellington wellington chinese wellington chinese sports wellington chinese sports cultural wellington chinese sports cultural centre west whānau white wide wild wiley william williams williams nz wind wine wish witch womack woman women wonder wood work world worthy yé yoko yoko ono yorke youth yummy zealand zealand music zero Shows San Fran iCal Feed iCal feed URL Get Feed for iCal (Google Calendar). 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