Mediha, a teenage Yazidi girl recently returned from ISIS captivity, turns her camera on herself to process her trauma. Having survived kidnapping and enslavement by ISIS, she and her younger brothers, Ghazwen and Adnan, must now attempt to rebuild their lives with the whereabouts of their father, mother and baby brother unknown. Faced by local and international complexities, which continue to affect rescue and accountability efforts eight years after the genocide, the siblings must turn to a network of Yazidi rescuers in their search.
Directed by Hasan Oswald, Mediha (which won DOC NY’s Grand Jury Prize) paints a revelatory portrait of a budding young activist who escaped from ISIS, and gives her a chance to reclaim her voice, confronting her past through personal video diaries.
Hasan sat down for a kõrero with Sunaina Born on Breakfast about this incredible documentary, the need for dynamic and responsible representation through storytelling and how that reflects on the state of the world today.
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