torlesse super group – evening
the circling sun – veneer
delaney davidson – dr captain
donald mcpherson – jolly little anachronism
swagger jack – bad politics
pumice – covered in spiders
the great unwashed – it’s a day
the kiwi animal – this day
little skull – how we used to laugh
thela – look out! the fucking hot jet
motte – give it to me
our love will destroy the world – negative veil and the tree that follows
peter wright – fell asleep here
expansion bay – tui
seht – see if it’s really them
1/3 octave band – hesperus
sandoz lab technicians – crocus blossom
little skull – track 1 (from ‘lower hope reach’)
god destroyer – kereru
rosy parlane – odessa
o.m.i.t. – dropper
birdcatcher – tree 7. kanuka
hermione johnson – olo olo
sandoz lab technicians – heavy petal (edit)
teen haters – hornet (brotzmann’s gun)
black boned angel – prayer sodden holes