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Indie Show 24/4/23 w/Zak

Horsegirl - History Lesson Part 2 Alice - Triste Et Tout Seul Trees Speak - Sospetto Sleaze - Daffodils Fanger & Kersten - Interkosmos Kitchens of Distinction - The 3rd Time We Opened the Ca...
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The Wednesday Flow w/ Andrew, 26-04-2023

NZ = * 1-2pmDavid Bowie: Sex And The ChurchYukihiro Takahashi: Poisson D'Avril (Single Version)Andy Shauf: TelephoneStan Walker: He Tangata / Human (Feat. Vince Harder) *Te Kahureremoa: Takurua *Mark Stewar...
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Wednesday Drive w/ Jen Kyle 26-04-23

Name UL - Lake Opal feat. Arjuna Oakes, Sofia Labropoulou, and Ariana TikaoBAMBII - One TouchHybrid Rose - Planet IntercourseLimo Cunningham - Skylines ft Indian RugBright Eyes - Land Locked BluesArcade Fire -...
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Indie Show 24/4/23 w/Zak

Horsegirl - History Lesson Part 2 Alice - Triste Et Tout Seul Trees Speak - Sospetto Sleaze - Daffodils Fanger & Kersten - Interkosmos Kitchens of Distinction - The 3rd Time We Opened the Ca...
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The Monday Flow with Finn – 24/04/23

Grouper - Im clean nowIf I promise - Lovely, LovelySpiritualized - Ladies and gentlemen we are floating in spaceJoy Division - Atmosphere The Soft Boys - Underwater MoonlightSpacemen 3 Transparent Radiation...
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Americana/w Juliet – 16/04/2023

Man's Gotta Eat - Logan HalsteadBuilt to Roam - Shakey GravesOn My Way to Hell - Lindi OrtegaCountry Calling - Edward SharpeLife Crisis - River WhylessCome on Over - Isobel Campbell and Mark LaneganTurnstiled,...
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The Zero Hour – 16/04/2023

Zero Hour - 16th April 2023 - Kneel Toolshed - Watusa Comet Control - The afterlife Åžatellites - Big baglama Curtis Harding - Explore Cosey Fanni Tutti - Comet lament Ezra Collective - Ego ki...
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The Indie Show w/ James T Kirk – 10/04/2023 idol ko si - chain reaction ghost - hazy paradise trees speak - odyssey the blassics - python dj mugg...