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Wednesday Drive w/ Jen Kyle 13-09-23

Jungle - All of the TimeStrawpeople - KnucklebonesCARRTTOONS - Grace ft Rae KhalilAnna Coddington - Aho / Beams (ft. Louis Baker)Flamingo Pier - Remedy feat. Steve Monite (JKriv Disco Dub)Roisin Murphy - You K...
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The Amplifier Show 13/9/23

10am-11amFloating Points - Myrtle AvenueHarvey Sutherland - BambooThe Bamboos - Funky ButtercupWild Bill Ricketts (NZ) - Facelimbcommunity notices; Amerigo Gazaway - variousSINSIN (NZ) - PianyoSub-Tribe (NZ) -...
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The Amplifier Show 12/9/23

10am-11amRonny and Renzo vs Mungolian Jetset - Big Smack And FliesAmp Fiddler - Love and WarTess Goodwin (WLG) - Darkness Dances AroundMarcos Alonso (WLG) - Leaning Incommunity notices; Lord Echo (NZ) - Rhythm...
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The Amplifier Show 11/9/23

10am-11amVasisli (NZ) - Te Kari KotiroStevie Wonder - All I Do (Todd Terje edit)Kirsten Te Rito (NZ) - Me Tohu Nga TamarikiWaguan (NZ) - KWANABad Friend (NZ) - MollieFOLLOWER (chc) - Oh Speedy SpeedyMYNN (NZ) ...
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Americana Sept. 10 w/ Juliet

A retrospective of September Playlists from the last 15 (or so) years) Grapefruit, Juicyfruit - Jimmy BuffetDeadwood DialogueRambling Man - Mark LaneganThe Love Me or Die - C W StonekingNatural Born Killers...
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The Amplifier Show 8/9/23

10am-11amMdCL (NZ) - Nova Roda (Myele Manzanza rmx)Lord Echo (NZ) - TerabuPARTYING AT THE DISCO (chc) - Howling BovineSynthetic Children (NZ) - NO ALTERNATIVEAD90 (NZ) - An Empty BoxDowdelin - Sime LoveBeats I...
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The Amplifier Show 7/9/23

10am-11amIsaac Hayes - Pursuit Of The PimpmobileBryony Jarman-Pinto - Sour Face (dego rmxThe Emotions - Lose Your Love (Summer of '18 lick DiCE NZ rmx)Fdel - Get Up On Ya FeetPrince - I Wanna Be Your Lover (CM...
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The Wednesday Flow w/ Andrew, 06-09-2023

NZ = * 1-2pmSarah Tandy: Bradbury StreetBig Sima & Boomtown: Growth (Feat. Tay Renee) *Home Brew: Everybody (Jet Jaguar's Everybody And Their Cicadas Mix) *Dallas Tamaira: Stormy *Ruia: Manuao *Mohi: Ta...
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The Amplifier Show 6/9/23

10am-11amBreakstra - How Do You Really Feel?Donald Byrd - Think Twice (DiCE NZ edit)Bulldogs Allstar Goodtime Band (NZ) - Miss SeptemberEarth Wind and Fire - SeptemberWheelUP - Life On MarsIsaac Hayes - Theme ...
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indie show 04 sept 2023 with james t kirk jj whitefield - seven seasthe rift valley brothers - tiga kuriratom caruana - soul powerbob landers with willie joe and ...